The Lead 365 team have partnered with ‘Gloucestershire Bundles’, a local charity providing emergency packs of toiletries, clothing and equipment for families with children up to the age of 16, who find themselves in crisis situations.

In addition to its continued support of Lillybrook and Maggies charity; Lead 365 have committed to working with Gloucestershire Bundles to provide over 1000 children in Gloucestershire with Christmas presents in 2022.
“The Lead 365 team understands how hard this Christmas is going to be for some families. We feel compelled to make a difference. If we can do so by providing selection boxes, pyjamas and blankets to those in need then we’ll do so gladly. We’re delighted that we will be relieving certain worries and pressures some families may have this year. Helping others is, has, and always be a huge part of our company culture. We look forward to continuing to support such a fabulous local charity.”
Andy Haycock – Lead 365 CEO
The charity are always looking for volunteers and donations.
More information can be found at